Results for 'K. F. Hale'

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  1.  15
    The direct observation of metallic surfaces in the electron microscope.K. Thomas & K. F. Hale - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (40):531-532.
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  2. Âmm Lafızların Delaletleri Bağlamında Tefsir-Fıkıh Usulü İlişkisi.Sıddık Baysal - 2018 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 50:105-134.
    Bu makale, Kur’an’ın ȃ mm lafızlarının delaleti bağlamında tefsir ilmi ile fıkıh usulünün ilişkisini araştırmaktadır Esasen İslami ilimler bağlamında ȃ mm lafızların delaleti, İslam’ın temel metinlerindeki lafızlarla ilgili olduğu için sadece fıkıh usulü veya tefsir ilminin özel konusu değil, tüm İslami ilimlerin ortak konusudur. İslami ilimlerin üzerinde çalıştığı temel dini metinlerin aynılığı, bu ilimler arasında disiplinlerarası ilişkileri zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Tefsir ilmi ile fıkıh usulü arasındaki ilişkinin ȃ mm lafızlar bağlamında işlenmesinin nedeni de budur. Fıkıh usulü, bu konuyu Kur’an’ın (...)
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    Le Beau.K. F. Wize - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:497-503.
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    The trend of the male-female differential in various speed sports 1936–84.K. F. Dyer - 1986 - Journal of Biosocial Science 18 (2):169-177.
  5. An Ovidian Technique in Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche Oracle (Met. 4.33.1).K. F. B. Fletcher - forthcoming - Classical Quarterly:1-3.
    abstract This note argues that the second line of the oracle in Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche (Met. 4.33.1) alludes to Ovid’s Am. 1.1.2. Like its Ovidian model, Apuleius’ line marks a shift in genre, and offers a further hint of the role Cupid will play in the rest of the story.
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    A note on the relative efficacy of a bell signal for right and wrong responses in maze learning.K. F. Muenzinger - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (1):116.
  7. Tomorrow and the refining industry F.K. F. Heddon - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 45--22.
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    Lucretius iii. 961–2.K. F. C. Rose - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (03):207-.
  9. Reasoning in a Dynamic Animation Environment.K. F. Hollebrands - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):350-351.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Elementary Students’ Construction of Geometric Transformation Reasoning in a Dynamic Animation Environment” by Alan Maloney. Upshot: Parnorkou and Maloney describe how a dynamic animation environment, Graphs ’n Glyphs, supported fourth-grade students’ understandings of translations and rotations. Two elements were critical in their teaching experiment: the design of the software and tasks. This commentary focuses on the decisions that they made and possible implications they had for students’ reasoning.
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    Enhanced spin susceptibility in phosphorus-doped silicon.K. F. Berggren - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (1):1-11.
  11.  62
    Chaos in a Quantum Dot with Spin-Orbit Coupling.K.-F. Berggren & T. Ouchterlony - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (2):233-242.
    Level statistics and nodal point distribution in a rectangular semiconductor quantum dot are studied for different degrees of spin-orbit coupling. The chaotic features occurring from the spin-orbit coupling have no classical counterpart. Using experimental values for GaSb/InAs/GaSb semiconductor quantum wells we find that level repulsion can lead to the semi-Poisson distribution for nearest level separations. Nodal lines and nodal points are also investigated. Comparison is made with nodal point distributions for fully chaotic states.
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    Zum problem der degeneration.K. F. Bloch - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):51-86.
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  13. A Realistic Philosophy.K. F. Reinhardt - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (80):271-271.
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    Tacitus, Annals XV. 44. 3–8.K. F. C. Rose - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (03):195-.
  15.  30
    Higher education in biology: British experience in the 1960s and 1970s, with some international comparisons.K. F. Dyer - 1975 - British Journal of Educational Studies 23 (3):303-323.
  16.  25
    Metal-to-non-metal transitions in doped germanium and silicon.K. -F. Berggren - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (5):1027-1040.
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    Management in Education: The Management of Organizations and IndividualsManagement in Education: Some Techniques and Systems.K. F. Smart, V. Houghton, R. McHugh, C. Morgan, L. Dobson, T. Gear & A. Westoby - 1977 - British Journal of Educational Studies 25 (2):202.
  18.  24
    An undescribed wooden écorché figure.K. F. Russell - 1950 - Centaurus 1 (1):62-65.
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  19. Language, orthography, and number-when surface-structure matters.K. F. Miller - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):509-509.
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    Autotheisme.K. F. Wize - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 1:289-290.
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  21.  14
    The nature and explanation of behavior.K. F. Walker - 1942 - Psychological Review 49 (6):569-585.
  22. Metodologicheskie aspekty kognitivnykh prot︠s︡essov: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.K. F. Samokhvalov (ed.) - 2002 - Novosibirsk: In-t metematiki im. S.L. Sobolveva SO RAN.
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    Hydrogen storage in Ti–Zr and Ti–Hf-based quasicrystals.K. F. Kelton, J. J. Hartzell, R. G. Hennig, V. T. Huett & Akito Takasaki - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):957-964.
  24.  37
    Motivation in learning: IX. The effect of interposed obstacles in human learning.K. F. Muenzinger & D. O. Vine - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (1):67.
  25. A natural order: Observation and the 4 seasons (Camille Pissarro).K. F. Volkmar - 1998 - In Donald Kuspit, Art Criticism. pp. 13--1.
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    Facets and anomalous solute distributions in indium-antimonide crystals.K. F. Hulme & J. B. Mullin - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (47):1286-1288.
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    The law of effect: Part VI.K. F. Muenzinger - 1938 - Psychological Review 45 (3):215-218.
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  28. Conceptual transparency and the abacus-a paradox of expertise.K. F. Miller - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):501-501.
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    Physical and psychological reality.K. F. Muenzinger - 1927 - Psychological Review 34 (3):220-233.
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    Amphrysia vates (aeneid 6.398).K. F. B. Fletcher - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):863-865.
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    (1 other version)Is there a general factor of perseveration?K. F. Walker, R. G. Staines & J. C. Kenna - 1941 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):58 – 75.
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    Sociology and psychology in the prediction of behaviour.K. F. Walker - 1941 - Psychological Review 48 (5):443-449.
  33.  22
    A History of ImmunizationH. J. Parish.K. F. Meyer - 1968 - Isis 59 (1):108-110.
  34.  17
    The primary factors in learning.K. F. Muenzinger - 1931 - Psychological Review 38 (4):347-358.
  35.  11
    PERSPECTIVES ON HERMES - (J.F.) Miller, (J.) Strauss Clay (edd.) Tracking Hermes, Pursuing Mercury. Pp. xxiv + 378, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Cased, £80, US$115. ISBN: 978-0-19-877734-2. [REVIEW]K. F. B. Fletcher - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):236-239.
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    Discussing End-of-Life Decisions in a Clinical Ethics Committee: An Interview Study of Norwegian Doctors’ Experience.Marianne K. Bahus & Reidun Førde - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):261-272.
    With disagreement, doubts, or ambiguous grounds in end–of-life decisions, doctors are advised to involve a clinical ethics committee. However, little has been published on doctors’ experiences with discussing an end-of-life decision in a CEC. As part of the quality assurance of this work, we wanted to find out if clinicians have benefited from discussing end-of-life decisions in CECs and why. We will disseminate some Norwegian doctors’ experiences when discussing end-of-life decisions in CECs, based on semi-structured interviews with fifteen Norwegian physicians (...)
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  37. The Later Tradition of Vergil.K. F. Smith - 1915 - Classical Weekly 9:178-182.
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    Editorial HECs and consultation.K. T. & S. F. - 1990 - HEC Forum 2 (2):71-73.
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  39.  42
    (1 other version)Motives and behaviour.K. F. Walker - 1942 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):16 – 29.
    Those who deny the usefulness of the concept of “motive” for psychology commonly bring two arguments in support of theirview. The first is that the whole notion of “motive” is “animistic” and “folklorish”, since a motive cannot be directly observed. The second is that “motives” cannot be accurately observed, and therefore are beyond the scope of scientific study, because they are “the secret of the agent”, and the agenthimself has no indubitable knowledge of his “motives”. In a recent article, Professor (...)
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  40. (2 other versions)Moog, W., Logik, Psychologie und Psychologismus. [REVIEW]K. F. Endriss - 1921 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 26:193.
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  41. Introduction.E. H. Morreim & K. F. Schaffner - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (4):301-303.
  42.  9
    Alfred Adler: The Man and His Work. [REVIEW]K. F. Walker - 1940 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):78.
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    A corpus-based study of modal verbs in Chinese–English governmental press conference interpreting.Yifan Zhang & Andrew K. F. Cheung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the use of modal verbs in Chinese–English government press conference interpretation. Modal verbs mark the speaker’s opinion of or attitude toward the event described in a sentence. Interpreters also use modal verbs to indicate the stances of the source language speakers. The use of modal verbs has been examined in such contexts as research papers, textbooks, and second language learners’ output; however, studies that compare differences in modal verbs between source and target languages in the context of (...)
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    Processes of Science and Art Modeled as a Holoflux of Information Using Toroidal Geometry.Dirk K. F. Meijer - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):365-400.
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    Yazma Eserlerdeki Kuyûd't Işığında Geç Dönem (9-11. / 15-17.) Hanefî Fıkıh ve Usûl-i Fıkıh Eserlerinin Bilgi ve Kaynak Değeri. [REVIEW]Orhan Ençakar - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):397-431.
    Klasik eserlerin yazmalarında yer alan ve temellük, vakıf, kıraat, rivayet, icazet, minhüvât, mütalaa, fevâid, mukabele, tashih, ferağ vb. isimlerle anılan metin dışı kayıtlar/kuyûdât eser ve müellifi hakkında başka hiçbir kaynakta bulunmayan değerli bilgiler içerebilmektedir. Geçmişte klasik eserler üzerine kısıtlı imkanlarla yapılan akademik çalışma, tercüme ve tahkikli neşir faaliyetlerinde kapsamlı bir nüsha taraması yapmak çok mümkün olmadığı için yazmalarda yer alan kuyûdâtı görüp bunları bir kaynak olarak kullanmak pek rastlanan bir durum değildi. Yazma eserlerin onlarca dijital nüshasını aynı anda inceleme imkanını (...)
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    Health-Oriented Environmental Categories, Individual Health Environments, and the Concept of Environment in Public Health.Annette K. F. Malsch, Anton Killin & Marie I. Kaiser - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (2):141-164.
    The term ‘environment’ is not uniformly defined in the public health sciences, which causes crucial inconsistencies in research, health policy, and practice. As we shall indicate, this is somewhat entangled with diverging pathogenic and salutogenic perspectives (research and policy priorities) concerning environmental health. We emphasise two distinct concepts of environment in use by the World Health Organisation. One significant way these concepts differ concerns whether the social environment is included. Divergence on this matter has profound consequences for the understanding of (...)
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    Catering to Inclusion and Diversity With Universal Design for Learning in Asynchronous Online Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective.Murod Ismailov & Thomas K. F. Chiu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Universal Design for Learning guidelines were extensively studied to understand inclusive learning and teaching in higher education. However, to date, there have been few studies that approached UDL-based asynchronous university courses from the needs satisfaction perspective in self-determination theory. To address this gap, researchers designed and implemented two 15-week asynchronous online courses based on UDL. They then tested their effectiveness with college freshmen by adopting a sequential explanatory mixed method. The study aimed to examine whether asynchronous instruction based on (...)
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    The trend of the male–female performance differential in athletics, swimming and cycling 1948–76.K. F. Dyer - 1977 - Journal of Biosocial Science 9 (3):325-338.
    The average male–female performance difference in the three sports of track athletics, swimming and time trial cycling are examined between the years 1948 and 1976. During this period females have gradually come to participate in a much larger number of events, particularly those of longer duration. In each of these three sports, women's performances in relation to men's have more or less continuously improved and it appears that if the changes between 1948 and 1976 are maintained, average female performance will (...)
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  49. Index of authors volume 2, 1998/1999.K. F. Alam, W. H. Andrews, Boatright Jr, S. C. Borkowski, S. Borna, V. Brand, G. M. Broekemier, R. I. Brown, M. R. Buckley & R. F. Carroll - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (445).
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  50.  48
    Weshalb werden die urAlten so Alt?K. F. Bloch - 1979 - Acta Biotheoretica 28 (2):135-144.
    Some men can obtain hundred years or more, but the grounds are as yet unknown. Till now medical research has given no specific clues. Intensive consideration shows that life under quite natural (no longer found), not too hard social and climatic conditions (more maritime than arid) and in mountainous regions is decisive. It is clear that few territories of the earth come into consideration. The specific mental situation of mountain dwellers which contrasts in important points to that of the inhabitants (...)
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